Friday, 18 March 2016

On the next webpage you can see all the lesson plans for the whole British curriculum, activities, printables and links to other webs that develop the topics.

Another site that works on all the contents and levels for different subjects is:  contiene gran cantidad de recursos e ideas para el profesor/a, fichas de trabajo y es especialmente interesante por las actividades diseƱadas para trabajar con la pizarra digital.

It contains a great variety of resources, worksheets and is specially interesting for the activities to work on the Digital Board.

The following site is a magnificent Educational Search Engine, for all levels and subjects.
Resultado de imagen de topmarks

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The following resources follow the British curriculum, classified by topics and levels. You can find them on the next links (click on the image):

They contain videos, interactive activities, teachers resources, online questionnaries, worksheets and texts to read about the topic.